
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0


Device used to link different networks and equipment from separate manufacturers.


Acronym for Gross Domestic Product. It is the set of all goods and services produced in a country or region during a given period.

General Concession Plan or PGO

General Concession Plan [Plano Geral de Outorgas] approved by Decree 2,534, dated April 2, 1998, which divides Brazil into regions and areas for concession purposes to render circuit-switched fixed-line telephone services throughout the country.

General Connection Regulation

General Connection Regulation approved by ANATEL Resolution 410 on July 11, 2005.

General Quality Plan or PGMC

General Quality Plan [Plano Geral de Metas de Qualidade] for circuit-switched fixed-line telephone services approved by ANATEL Resolution 516 dated October 30, 2008.

General Universal Access Plan or PGMU

General Universal Access Plan [Plano Geral de Metas para a Universalização] for circuit-switched fixed-line telephone services rendered under the Public System approved by Decree 4,769 dated June 26, 2003.


A term that denotes the process of accelerated integration of international markets with the possibility of moving billions of dollars by computer in a few seconds.

Going Private

Situation in which the securities issued by a company will no longer be traded on the market.

Government Securities

These securities are issued by federal, state, or municipal governments.


Acronym for General Price Index - Domestic Supply. It measures the price variance on the wholesale, consumer, and construction market. It consists of the sum of three other indexes: WPI (Wholesale Price Index) with a weight of 60%, CPI (Consumer Price Index) with a weight of 30%, and NCCI (National Construction Cost Index) with a weight of 10%. The GPI-DS excludes imported goods, considering only what is produced internally. It is calculated based on prices calculated from the first day to the last of each month.


Acronym for General Price Index of Market. It measures the price variance on the wholesale, consumer, and construction market. It consists of the weighted sum of three other indexes: WPI (Wholesale Price Index) with a weight of 60%, CPI (Consumer Price Index) with a weight of 30%, and NCCI (National Construction Cost Index) with a weight of 10%. The GPI-M considers all available products on the market, including what is imported, and is calculated based on prices collected between day 21 of the previous month to the 20th of the current month.


General packaged radio service - digital mobile telephone technology that allows data transmission using the GPS standard at speeds of up to 170kbps.


Global positioning system - extremely precise technology for geographic localization that provides the latitude and longitude coordinates of the location of the device equipped with this technology. Signals are sent via the constellation of 24 Navstar satellites that are linked to the U.S. Department of Defense.


A project that lacks any constraints imposed by prior networks.

Gross Income

In financial investments, it is the set of gains obtained from a transaction before the payment of income tax.


Global system for mobile communications - the most widely used 2G mobile telephone standard in the world. The difference is that it uses the subscriber identity module (SIM) card or chip to identify users.