
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

B Band

Frequency ranges allotted to cellular telephony that will be utilized by private enterprises that compete with the operators operating within band A. For cellular RBS, B band comprehends: 880 MHz to 890 MHz (B"); and 891 MHz to 894 MHz (B"). For cellular RBS, B band is thus: 835 MHz to 845 MHz (B); and 846.5 MHz to 849 MHz (B").


Another abbreviation for "Banco Central do Brasil" (Central Bank of Brazil).


Set-up of central connections in a larger system, typically for better/higher performance. In terms of the internet, various backbones area hierarchically divided on a worldwide scale: intercontinental connections, which branch into international backbones that, in turn, branch into national backbones.


Data transfer among distant users to a central network.


Accounting statement with the values of the assets, liabilities, and stockholders equity of a legal entity for a fiscal year.

Balance of Payments

The record of transactions between individuals and companies, businesses and official agencies, residents of a country and their partners abroad.

Balance of Services

It is the sum of services with transaction in the areas of transportation, insurance, tourism, and profits from investments.

Balance Sheet Analysis

The study of a company‘s financial statements in order to assess its economic and financial status. The analyst compares the assets and liabilities, using the data from the company‘s balance sheets for making a qualitative and quantitative assessment.


Radiofrequency range assigned to a given type of communication. Composed of two frequency limits. The bandwidth is the difference between these two frequencies, independent of where they fall on the spectrum.


The frequency band available for sending information; the difference between the highest and lowest band frequency is measured in Hertz.

Basic Subscription Rate

This is not a communications service per se. It is characterized as retribution paid to an operator so that the communication service remains available.


Abbreviation for "Banco Central", the Central Bank of Brazil, also referred to as Bacen.


A reference point. A way of making a comparison among products, services, securities, or fees.


Dividends, interest on equity, dividends and/or subscription rights distributed by a company to its stockholders.

Bill and Keep

A pricing agreement whereby the operators only pay the connection fee to the other cellular phone company when the ratio of incoming to outgoing traffic falls outside the range of 45% - 55%. This model continues to be used for local fixed-line telephone service.

Bill of Exchange

Type of commercial paper in the market issued by credit, finance, and investment companies and used as a source of funds for consumer credit.


Process of registering attributes that characterize a telephone call, such as callers’ and receivers’ access code, date, time and duration of call.


The flow of bits, a time series of bits.

Black Spots

Areas within a service area where obstacles, walls, buildings, overpasses or mountains block radio signals.


Open wireless technology standard for exchanging data over short distances, using short-length radio waves, from computers, cellular phones, handheld computers and other voice and data-transmission devices.

BM&F Bovespa

A nationally-owned company created in 2008 from the merger of the operations of the São Paulo Stock Exchange (BOVESPA) and the Commodities and Futures Exchange (BM&F). It is responsible for intermediating capital market operations, including the trading of shares, share derivatives, fixed-income securities, government bonds, financial derivatives, currencies and agribusiness commodities.


Acronym for "Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social" (National Economic and Social Development Bank). It is a federal financial institution established in 1952 to foster the development of basic sectors of the economy and develop policies of long-term business investments.


Price negotiation, per underlying stock, of a call or put option.

Book Entry Share

Nominative share without the issuance of certificates, registered in the deposit account of its holder in the depository institution designated.

Book Value of Stock

Result of the division between net equity and the number of the company‘s shares.


Or Brady Bonds, are securities that were issued beginning in 1994 by developing countries in the renegotiation of their external debts. The name comes from Nicholas Brady, US Treasury secretary who promoted their use.


Concept related to services or connections that allow faster transmission speeds for considerable amounts of information, for example television images. Applied to bandwidths greater than 2 Mbit/s although sometimes used for slightly lower speeds. Very high-speed internet access.

Broadband Services

Services characterized by transmission speeds of 2 Mbps or more. Pursuant to international standards, these services are divided into two categories: (i) interactive services, including videophone/videoconferencing (both point-to-point and multipoint); local network interconnection; file transfer; CAD; high-speed fax; e-mail for the transmission of moving images and multimedia documents; broadband videotext; video on demand; programs for retrieving audio or static and moving images; and (ii) transmission services like, for examples, audio programs, television programs (including HDTV and pay TV) and the select acquisition of documents.


A system for sending a message where the message is sent to all computers connected to a network.


Intermediary in buying and selling securities.

Brokerage Fee

Amount charged by the financial intermediary for the purchase or sale of securities.

Brokerage Houses

These are institutions authorized to operate by the Central Bank and the Securities and Exchange Commission of Brazil (CVM). Only brokerage firms are authorized to execute buying and selling operations of stock or derivatives on BM&FBOVESPA.

Business to Business

Expression used to define the relationships between companies. This term is often used to qualify certain marketing actions, generally direct marketing with other companies identified as the target public.

Business to Consumer

Expression used to define the relationships between companies and their customers, notably due to retail sales.


Refers to our Company‘s official rules, whose consolidation was approved at the extraordinary general meeting on December 17, 2004 and subsequently amended by an Extraordinary General Meeting held on March 30, 2006; September 29, 2006; January 4, 2008; and consolidated on December 17, 2009.